Through the generosity of the Ng Teng Fong Foundation and the Ng family, we are proud to offer the Ng Teng Fong Thatcher Scholarship for students normally resident in Singapore, Hong Kong or China.

Please note that this scholarship is not available for 2024 entry. This webpage will be updated in September.

This is a unique scholarship in that it fully funds all aspects of undergraduate studies, including course fees and living expenses.


The Ng Teng Fong Thatcher Scholarship is open to undergraduate offer holders with Overseas fee status who are ordinarily resident in Singapore, Hong Kong or China. The scholarship is available for all the undergraduate courses offered by Somerville. Please note that only the pre-clinical years of the Medicine course will be funded. The award of the scholarship will be made according to academic excellence.

Award levels

The scholarship will fully fund the duration of study for a successful candidate:

  • Course fees
  • Grant for living costs
  • Travel allowance


If you have any queries, please email theĀ .