On this page, you can request to book Park 05 for a student society lecture. Please book at least 48 hours in advance so that the necessary checks can be made to approve your request before your proposed event.

Before you complete the form below, please read the fire safety information carefully.

Fire Safety Information for Events in Park 05

As part of the conditions of the use of this venue the host of the event has a responsibility to ensure that persons present are aware of the fire safety procedures within Somerville College taking into account any attendee with a disability that could affect their ability to evacuate promptly.

As part of good housekeeping practice you should make the attendees/delegates aware of the following key points prior to commencing with the event or activities;

  • Signing of the attendance register of persons present for roll call.
  • Location of available fire exits from the building.
  • Route to the fire assembly point.
  • On the sounding of the fire alarm the room will be immediately evacuated leaving all personal belongings.
  • Location of the College fire assembly point relevant to that particular building.
  • Identity of person to report to at the assembly point, this should be yourself as host

On evacuation of the building the host will take a roll call of persons present at the event against the register completed with any missing persons identified & their names communicated promptly to the head Fire Marshall at the assembly point.

Book Park 05 for a student lecture

Is your booking for a college or University society?(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Start time(Required)
End time (must be before 11PM)(Required)
Do you need AV support? (You must also book this using the separate AV Booking Form)(Required)
I confirm that I will be present at this event and responsible for its conduct(Required)
I confirm that no refreshments other than bottled water and nibbles will be permitted(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

For information on how and why we use your data, please see the privacy notice on our website: https://www.some.ox.ac.uk/privacy-foi/privacy-notice/