Boris Motik

Senior Research Fellow in Computer Science; Professor of Computer Science

Before coming to Oxford, I worked in the Information Management Group, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester.

I got my PhD from the University of Karlsruhe under supervision of Prof. Rudi Studer. While in Karlsruhe, Germany, I was employed at the Research Center for Information Technologies (FZI). I have worked with companies including EDF and Samsung.

I am interested in developing algorithms and techniques necessary for realizing advanced applications in the Semantic Web. In the past, my research is focused around the ontology language OWL. More recently, I became interested in applying ontology techniques to data management problems in databases and big data. Specifically, I am investigating ways in using variants of datalog — a language at the intersection of logic programming and databases — to represent and access data, and I am studying the related theoretical and practical problems, such as efficient evaluation of datalog programs and efficient maintenance of datalog materialisations. My research involves the development of tools that demonstrates the techniques I am working on.

You can view a complete list of my publications with downloadable papers here.



You can view a complete list of my publications with downloadable papers here:

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