Somerville has a long history of graduate study, and was one of the first colleges to house postgraduates within their own college accommodation, where our graduates still reside today.

Applying to Oxford as a postgraduate

Unlike our undergraduates, graduate admissions are handled centrally by the University. That means you'll need to apply to Oxford and be accepted on a course before you can be considered for a place at a College. In the meantime, we've got all kinds of useful information for you in the following pages, including details of the courses we offer, the scholarships that are available and a glimpse of what life is like as a graduate at Somerville – at the heart of a true academic community.

Apply now

From your first visit to the day you graduate, the Academic Office will play a vital role in your time at Somerville. Led by the Senior Tutor, our friendly and supportive team will oversee every aspect of your academic life, from the little things like study materials to the big stuff like scholarships and exams.

If you want to contact them, get in touch via

Steve Rayner Senior Tutor
Lucy Young Academic Registrar
Helen Johnson Executive Assistant to the Senior Tutor and Fellows
Jo Ockwell Student Welfare Lead
Saphire Richards Tutorial and Graduate Officer
Victoria Wilson Scholarships and Funding Officer
Clare Simmonds Academic Office Administrator
Alison Davies Academic Office Assistant
Hannah Pack Access Officer
Eren Slate Access and Outreach Support Officer

What's happening at Somerville

News *

Why English Matters: An Interview with Professor Annie Sutherland

Why English Matters: An Interview with Professor Annie Sutherland

News *

Farming for Food, Nature and Climate: A Somerville Student’s Message at Historic Dinner

Farming for Food, Nature and Climate: A Somerville Student’s Message at Historic Dinner

News *

Somerville JRF Elected Scholar at World’s First Museum of Climate Change

Somerville JRF Elected Scholar at World’s First Museum of Climate Change
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