1. Vice in Ancient Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle on Moral Ignorance and Corruption of Character, Cambridge Element (Cambridge University Press, 2023)
2. Bridging the Gap Between Aristotle’s Science and Ethics, D. Henry and K. M. Nielsen (eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2015)
3. Prohairesis: Aristotle’s Theory of Decision and its Legacy. Funded by a Leverhulme Major Research Grant
30. “Moral Theory in the Rhetoric” paper commissioned for Pierre Destrée and Laura Viidebaum (eds.), the Cambridge Critical Guide to Aristotle’s Rhetoric (CUP, est. submission 2024)
29. “Aristotle’s Ethics”, paper commissioned for Sophia Connell (ed.), New Cambridge Companion to Aristotle (CUP, est. submission 2024)
28. “The Magna Moralia on Prohairesis” to appear in Christopher Bobonich, Corinne Gartner and Martha Jimenez (eds.), Aristotle’s Other Ethics (OUP, 2023)
27. “Deliberation and Decision in the Eudemian Ethics”, in Giulio di Basilio (ed.), Essays on Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics (Routledge, 2021)
26. “Guided Practice Makes Perfect: Habituation into Full Virtue in Aristotle’s Ethics”, in Komarine Romdenh-Romluc and Jeremy Dunham (eds.), Habit in the History of Philosophy (Routledge, 2021)
25. “Aristotle: Justice”, in K. Albrecht (gen. ed.), and J. Tasioulas (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (Springer Press, 2021)
24. “The Definitions of Phronêsis and Euboulia in Nicomachean Ethics VI”, in Carlo Natali and Pierre-Marie Morel (eds.), ‘Aristote. Les definitions en philosophie pratique’, special issue of Revue de Philosophie Ancienne, tome 38, no 2 (2020), pp 291-318
23. “Why Self-Knowledge Matters for Virtue”, in Fiona Leigh (ed.), Self-Knowledge in Ancient Philosophy (OUP, 2020), pp. 45-70
22. “The Tyrant’s Vice: Pleonexia and Lawlessness in Plato’s Republic”, Philosophical Perspectives (supplement to Nous), special issue on Ethics no 33 (2019), pp 146-69
21. “Deliberation and Decision in the Magna Moralia and Eudemian Ethics”, in Brink, Sauvé-Meyer & Shields (eds.), Virtue, Happiness and Knowledge: Essays for Gail Fine and Terence Irwin (OUP, 2018), pp. 197-215
20. “Spicy Food as Cause of Death: Coincidence and Necessity in Metaphysics E 2-3”, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy vol. 52 (2017), pp. 303-42
19. “Vice in the Nicomachean Ethics”, Phronesis vol. 62, 1 (2017), pp. 1-25
18. “Aristotle”, in Timpe, Griffith and Levy (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Free Will (Routledge, 2016), pp. 227-235
17. “The Constitution of the Soul – Aristotle on Lack of Deliberative Authority”, Classical Quarterly, 65.2 (2015), pp. 572-86
16. “Introduction”, with Devin Henry, in D. Henry and K. M. Nielsen (eds.), Bridging the Gap Between Aristotle’s Science and Ethics (CUP, 2015), pp. 1-25
15. “Aristotle on Principles in Ethics”, in D. Henry and K. M. Nielsen (eds.), Bridging the Gap Between Aristotle’s Science and Ethics(CUP, 2015), pp. 29-48
14. “Aristotle on Economy and Private Property”, in Marguerite Deslauriers and Pierre Destrée (eds.), A Companion to Aristotle’s Politics (CUP, 2013), pp. 67-91
13. “The Will – Origin of the Notion in Aristotle’s Thought”, Antiquorum Philosophia 6 (2012), pp. 47-68
12. “The Nicomachean Ethics in Hellenistic Philosophy”, in Jon Miller (ed.), The Reception of Aristotle’s Ethics (CUP, 2012), pp. 3-30
11. “Ancient Ethics”, in H. LaFollette, S. Stroud and J. Deigh (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics (Wiley Blackwell, 2012)
10. “Deliberation as Inquiry: Aristotle’s Alternative to the Presumption of Open Alternatives”, The Philosophical Review, vol. 120, no 3 (2011), pp. 383-421
9. “The Good Will: Aristotle, Kant and the Stoics on What is Good without Qualification”, in S.Carson, J. Knowles and B. Myskja (eds.), Kant: Time, Space, and Ethics (Paderborn: Mentis Verlag, 2011), pp. 193-205
8. “The Private Parts of Animals: Aristotle on the Teleology of Sexual Difference”, Phronesis no 4-5, 2008, pp. 373-405
7. “Did Plato Articulate the Achilles Argument?” in Tom Lennon and Robert Stainton (eds.), The Achilles of Rationalist Psychology (Springer Press, 2008), pp. 19-42
6. “Dirtying Aristotle’s Hands? The Analysis of ‘Mixed Acts’ in Nicomachean Ethics, III, 1”, Phronesis no. 3, 2007, pp. 270-300
5. “Against Better Judgment? Davidson and Aristotle on Weakness of Will” in I et filosofisk terreng, Festskrift til Sverre Sløgedal, M. Dybvig, B. Molander, A. Øfsti (eds.) (Trondheim: NTNU, 2000), pp. 179-197
4. “Hvorfor begår mennesker onde handlinger?”, Interview with Prof. David Luban on Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem – A Report on the Banality of Evil, Parabel, vol. III, no 1 (Trondheim: Tapir Publishers, 1999), pp. 77-86
3. “Hva er sannhet?”, Parabel, Journal for Philosophy and Theory of Science, vol. II, no 1 (Trondheim: Tapir Publishers, 1998), pp. 75-88
2. Hva er sannhet? — en studie i Martin Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit, Department of Philosophy Publication Series, no. 27 (Trondheim: NTNU, 1997)
1. “Tradisjon, sannhet og forståelse – en studie i Hans-Georg Gadamers hermeneutikk”, Agora, Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon, no 3 (1996), pp. 89-123
9. M. Deslauriers, Aristotle on Sexual Difference. Metaphysics, Biology, Politics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022), in preparation for Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (2024)
8. C. Olfert, Aristotle on Practical Truth (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), Philosophical Review (2019) 128 (2), pp. 219-224
7. A. Kenny, The Aristotelian Ethics, revised ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), Classical Review 68.2 (2018)
6. D. Scott, Levels of Argument (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), review essay, Mind (2016), pp. 289-99
5. H. J. Curtzer, Aristotle and the Virtues (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), review essay, Mind (2014), 1180-4
4. J. Miller, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics: A Critical Guide (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), Journal of Hellenic Studies, 2013, pp. 290-91
3. S. Goetz and C. Taliaferro, A Brief History of the Soul (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), review essay, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, April 16, 2012. (with Angela Mendelovici)
2. G. Pearson and M. Pakaluk (eds.), Moral Psychology and Human Action in Aristotle (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), Polis, The Journal of the Society for Greek Political Thought, vol. 29, no 1 (2012), pp. 199-205
1. H. Lorenz, The Brute Within: Appetitive Desire in Plato and Aristotle (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), Journal of the History of Philosophy (2008), pp.477-8