Quentin Miller
Lecturer in Computer Science
Dr Quentin Miller teaches computer science topics to Somerville’s students in the Computer Science and Mathematics degrees.
His research interests include the design and implementation of programming languages, and language support for parallel processing. He is on the programme and steering committees of the High-Level Parallel Processing series of international symposia, which he instigated at l’Université d’Orléans in 2001.
He is also currently developing software tools for creating electronic editions of medieval manuscripts — see http://www.snark.myzen.co.uk/diplomat/.
He received the University Award for outstanding contribution to learning and teaching in 2009, and the Oxford University Student Union award for best tutor in maths & sciences in 2017.
Mobile Web Services Trend Perspectives
Pat Narendra, Ephraim Feig, David Heit, Quentin Miller, Timo Burns
September 2006SCC ’06: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Services Computinghttps://doi.org/10.1109/SCC.2006.70
BSP in a lazy functional context
Quentin Miller
January 2002Trends in functional programming