Mason Porter
Senior Research Fellow; Professor of Mathematics, UCLA
I am a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at UCLA. Previously, I was Professor of Nonlinear and Complex Systems in the Mathematical Institute at University of Oxford.
I was also a Tutorial Fellow in Somerville College. Before then, I studied at Caltech and Cornell, before a postdocs at Georgia Tech and and Berkeley.
I am also a die-hard fan of the Los Angeles Dodgers. You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter (@masonporter). I am also involved with the Legends of Caltech movie and co-edited Legends of Caltech III.
Comparing community structure to characteristics in online collegiate social networks
Traud, A; Kelsic, E; Mucha, P; Porter, M
SIAM Review issue 3 volume 53 page 526-543 (1 December 2011)
A mathematical model for the dynamics and synchronization of cows
Sun, J; Bollt, E; Porter, M; Dawkins, M
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena issue 19 volume 240 page 1497-1509 (15 September 2011)
Dynamic reconfiguration of human brain networks during learning.
Bassett, D; Wymbs, N; Porter, M; Mucha, P; Carlson, J; Grafton, S
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A issue 18 volume 108 page 7641-7646 (3 May 2011)
Discrete breathers in one-dimensional diatomic granular crystals.
Boechler, N; Theocharis, G; Job, S; Kevrekidis, P; Porter, M; Daraio, C
Phys Rev Lett issue 24 volume 104 page 244302- (18 June 2010)
Community structure in time-dependent, multiscale, and multiplex networks
Mucha, P; Richardson, T; Macon, K; Porter, M; Onnela, J
Science issue 5980 volume 328 page 876-878 (14 May 2010)