Moved by the activism of protesters in cities across America, four of our first-year students, Danielle Welbeck, Cara Moran, Ibtihaaj Mohamoud and Nadia Awad, set-up a fundraiser on Saturday 30th May to support the work of the National Lawyers’ Guild in seeking to defend the human and civil rights of the protesters.
Today, just two days later, the total of moneys raised stands in excess of £20,000. Their original fundraising goal was £2,000.
This amazing achievement is a testament to the hope, compassionand solidarity of the Somerville community.
But it doesn’t end there. As Somerville JCR’s Access Officer, Cara Moran told us, ‘Now what we as a college, a community and as individuals must do is continue learning about and fighting for the Black Lives Matter movement. The burden should not fall on black individuals to raise awareness. We must all educate ourselves and support those who are affected the most. We must all come together to create change.’
Somerville College was created to include the excluded, and to give those who are excluded a voice. We are so proud, therefore, of what these four students have achieved, and wish to thank them and Emma Schuetze for their hard work, and the Somerville BAME community for inviting us to support this initiative.
You can donate to the Students in Support of National Lawyers Guild Inc Fund here.