An update on admissions from Somerville’s Principal Jan Royall:
“Following Ofqual’s announcement, I am delighted to confirm that all Somerville offer holders whose new results meet the conditions of their offers will be able to study at the College.
In the midst of a pandemic, the safety of our students and staff is of the greatest importance, including the need to carefully manage the number of people living and working on site. Despite great efforts and ingenuity from my colleagues and our students to make extra accommodation available, it may be that not all new Somervillians can begin their studies in October 2020, with some instead deferring to 2021. I know that this will come as a disappointment for those affected, and we will work with any new student whose place is deferred to put in place arrangements for the coming year.
This has been the most difficult year for young people, many of whom have suffered disproportionately from the lockdown and other consequences of Covid-19. I am very proud of all those who will be coming to take up their place at Somerville in spite of these hardships, and I hope that they will relish the new challenges and opportunities that await. Somerville is greatly looking forward to welcoming them.”
– Jan Royall, Principal