Professor Richard Stone has been elected an SAE Fellow 2020, the organisation’s highest grade of membership, along with fourteen other engineers who have made a positive, distinct and sustaining mark in the mobility industry.

Informal photograph of Professor Stone against a garden background.

Professor Stone

SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) International is a global association committed to being the ultimate knowledge source for mobility. Inaugurated in 1977, the SAE Fellows programme has honoured a total of only 770 individuals since, making it a prestigious distinction.

Professor Stone is the author of seminal book Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines, now in its fourth edition. He has spent 25 years on ground-breaking research into engine combustion, particulate emissions, laser diagnostics and in-cylinder flow visualisation, much done in collaboration with industry. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Power and Energy, serving as Editor from 2012-16.

Of the appointment, he commented, “It was a great honour to be elected a Fellow of SAE, and not one I was expecting. SAE is truly international in its outlook and attending SAE Congress has always been a fantastic way of keeping in touch with colleagues from around the world and, indeed, my colleagues from the UK. SAE publications have been an important part of my career and that will continue.”

More Information

SAE Announcement

Professor Stone’s outstanding contribution to engineering was also recognised last year, when Professor Stone was elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

The University of Oxford’s Thermal Propulsion Systems Research group, founded in 1993 by Professor Stone, is dedicated to developing the fundamental science necessary to enable substantial emissions reductions and efficiency improvements in next generation vehicles.

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