A play about the relationship between Dorothy Hodgkin (1928, Chemistry) and Margaret Thatcher (1943, Chemistry) has been reviewed in Nature.

The Chemistry between them focuses on the Oxford relationship of Dorothy Hodgkin in her role as Somerville Tutor to Margaret Thatcher. Despite very different political affiliations, the two Somervillians enjoyed a warm friendship and Thatcher had a portrait of her former Tutor hung at Number 10, Downing Street when she became prime minister.

The play was written by Adam Ganz, Reader in the Department of Media Arts, Royal Holloway, University of London. The play’s launch was reported on the College website in August.

When Hodgkin met Thatcher‘, the 16 October review, can be found on the Nature website, but the article is subject to a paywall.

To mark the 50th anniversary of Dorothy Hodgkin’s receipt of the Nobel Prize, Somerville College will host a Dorothy Hodgkin Symposium on 29 October, at which the keynote speaker will be Sir Venki Ramakrishnan, another Nobel laureate. The Symposium, which the College will co-host with UNESCO and the IUCr, also falls in the year that the IUCr is marking the 100th anniversary of crystallography.

More details about the Dorothy Hodgkin Symposium can be found on the College website.

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