Event Start Date: 04 March 2023

Somerville College Oxford

Medics’ Day

Saturday 4 March 2023

From 10.30am: Coffee and registration in the Margaret Thatcher Centre

Bookings Have now Closed for this event 

11.00am Welcome: The Principal and the President of the Somerville Medics Group, Dr June Raine (1971, Physiology)

Panel discussion chaired by Dr June Raine

The Current and Future State of the NHS

Lord Philip Hunt   NHS guru, former Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Lords and Labour spokesperson for Health.  

Dr Rosalind O’Shaughnessy   Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital

Dr Andy Beale Consultant Radiologist, Great Western Hospital, Swindon

12.45pm     Drinks reception in MTC
1.15pm        Luncheon in Hall

Afternoon session to be chaired by Dr Helen Ashdown, Janet Vaughan Tutor in Clinical Medicine (Somerville); General Practitioner

2.30pm Refugee health and medical students supporting refugees: Oxford Refugee Health Initiative (ORHI)

Chloe Freeman, Somerville Graduate Entry Medicine 3rd year student and President, ORHI

Sharon Dixon, GP partner Donnington Medical Practice, Somerville Primary Care DPhil student, and Founding Member of ORHI

3.00pm    Showcasing of Student Finalists’ Projects:  

Students will give short (5 minute) presentations.  These are their Final Honour School    Research Project vivas, describing the laboratory projects (8-14 weeks long) undertaken as part of their FHS year.  A Prize for ‘Potential for Scientific Progress’ will be awarded.

3.45pm     AGM, followed by Tea

4.30pm     Screening of BBC Women of the Century: Dame Janet Vaughan (approx.50 mins)




Further reading?

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