Event Start Date: 28 June 2023

A lovely, mild summer´s evening for another walk with Marilyn Collis! The group assembled at Trinity Square Gardens under the gaze of Old Father Thames on the old Port of London Authority building: amazing to learn that London was the largest port in the world at one time.

We learned of the Romans – and everyone since – who has traded and brokered their way through in the City for nigh on 2000 years. We learned about the watermen and lightermen who crossed the great tidal river with people and goods at all hours (it was not until 1750 that the Thames had more than just London Bridge). We heard of gory executions, racy writings from Samuel Pepys, and the easterly wind that fuelled the Great Fire of 1666. We saw the Monument and its sculpture telling the tale of the Fire with messages about greed, gluttony and reconstruction for all to reflect upon. We admired Wren’s churches and his beautiful Cathedral and saw some of the radical new architecture that sits beside the old.


As ever, Marilyn brings anecdotes and fascinating nuggets to her walks: that in a typical act of defiance, the people of the City never called William “the Conqueror” preferring William 1st; that the boundary between All Hallows and the City remains the site of costumed “battles” and a famous pub, Beating the Bounds.

We managed about half the planned distance, through busy streets full of evening drinkers enjoying the sunshine. The survivors made it to a lively pub near Paternoster Square and enjoyed Campari Spritzers and a well-deserved rest!

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