Event Start Date: 21 October 2021 18:00 - 19:15

Location: Flora Anderson Hall

In this interdisciplinary collaboration between the Somerville Development Programme and the Oxford Festival of Ideas, Somerville academics past and present will come together in a multi-disciplinary, multi-sensory exploration of the world’s water challenges.

Music, sound and film blend with the science of water in this multi-sensory event. From shrinking seas and water scarcity to protecting shared water supplies and access to safe water, explore connections between lifestyles and changing climate patterns. Flowing throughout is music from Oxford-based alternative band pecq, inspired by climate change research from Nepal, and water security in Ethiopia. Reflect on what water means to you with some fluid soundscapes.

Event timing:     6-7.15pm in FAH

5.55pm: Soundscapes composed by the band Pecq, with imagery by videographer Ross Harrison in response to scientific research and the Himalayas to Ocean documentary project inspired by water research.

6.05pm: Welcome and overview from Development Programme Director, Claire Cockcroft

6.10pm: Alice Chautard, Communications and Knowledge Exchange Manager for the REACH programme, School of Geography & the Environment.
Alice will outline key issues in water security, including global challenges and sharing projects, as well as illustrating how research from the Himalayas and Ethiopia are being communicated through the arts.

6.25pm: Cayenna Ponchione-Bailey, Director of Research, Oxford Conducting Institute and former Junior Research Fellow at Somerville College, Leverhulme Research Fellow in Music, University of Sheffield.
Cayenna uses orchestral music to promote social justice and environmental sustainability through the arts. Her projects amplify voices and raise awareness through a unique brand of interdisciplinary creative collaboration.

6.35pm: Safa Fanaian, DPhil candidate School of Geography & the Environment, Somerville College
Governance, water risk & cities (India/Himalayas). Safa’s research focuses on the understanding and mapping governance of water-related risks faced by growing riverine cities in the global south, such as Guwahati in NE India.

6.50pm: Hussam Hussein, Lecturer in International Relations, Oxford Martin Fellow in Water Diplomacy, Fulford Junior Research Fellow.
Global perspective on water politics and water allocation, transboundary water governance and protecting shared water, with reference to case studies in the Middle East.

7.05pm: Q & A

7.15/20pm: Concluding soundscape – ‘Reaching Water

Further reading?

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